WHAT does a Narcissist genuinely love? This would be their answer — Me, Myself, and I! The Narcissist loves what they can get from people, situations, and life – or whatever serves THEM!

KNOWLEDGE IS SO VERY IMPORTANT for us to move forward to a healthy life. Let’s keep absorbing ALL the information. knowledge, and education we can for the clarity to see the truth about Narcissists and their ABUSE – that is what moves us forward to freedom and recovery! WHAT does a Narcissist genuinely love? This would be their answer — Me, Myself, and I! The Narcissist loves what they can get from people, situations, and life – or whatever serves THEM! We MUST accept this as fact and DISCARD THEM or lose ourselves in their world. They use MANY tools to manipulate and charm people into their world and that is for one reason and one reason Only – they want or need something from us – and THAT is it! WE DESERVE BETTER and it is time to make it about us!

From my Book: Greg Zaffuto – Author – From Charm to Harm and Everything Else in Between with a Narcissist

Narcissists view the world as their playground to take ANYTHING they want and never give back because they feel completely entitled/deserving to take whatever they want. They view or better yet PORTRAY themselves as omnipotent, moralistic, religious as well as many other things that they stamp onto their worldly resume – none of which have any real connection to who and what they are – abusive and destructive predators and extreme opportunists.

So, what is a relationship with a Narcissist? The Narcissist creates the grand illusion of a “special bond” or “love” for those whom he/she finds most useful at any given moment. This interprets as those who enhance his/her reputation, or help him/her lure or procure other sexual partners, or offer him/her money, property, status, etc. For those unlucky individuals that the Narcissists fosters a relationship with is really only to isolate and target us for the time being to drain us of whatever it is that Narcissist is after, and they hoard over (isolate) us until they have gotten all they can get. Everyone who sees through the Narcissist’s mask of insanity or exposes his/her lies becomes an “enemy” in the Narcissist’s eyes, and therefore a target of his/her hatred and will be devalued and destroyed!

A Narcissist never looks inward in a manner to see that they have a personality disorder, or that their world is built on lies and appearances – that is merely a clinical definition for us to sort of understand them. Furthermore, they never admit to being wrong, doing anything wrong, or having wronged or destroying the many lives that they do. However, the Narcissists HAS wronged others, be it cheating, lying, stealing, using people, manipulation, hurting people emotionally or physically — the Narcissist manages to project blame on and into the targets/victims and everyone around them. They also have their minions and a new supply to support them or filter their lies through, as well as hide behind to avoid exposure.

In fact, the Narcissist will view him/herself as superior or above the rest of humanity. Narcissists do not see themselves as the SELF-SERVING pathological and destructive person that lives their entire life like a parasite using and taking advantage of others, objectifying people, and then moving on once they have been emotionally drained and damaged a person. Nor does the Narcissist see how flimsy their thin veneer of lies, and false credentials are. No instead the Narcissist will project their false image and describe themselves as a hero of sorts or even a saint as far as it concerns humanity and their role here on earth! Well, this is part of their disordered. ENTITLED, and damaged self that enables the Narcissist to live in complete denial of the damage they inflict onto people’s lives. There are no written laws, rules, or regulations that a Narcissist will follow. They are in COMPLETE denial of their false lives! They have absolutely no notion or care as it concerns right and wrong or truth and lies.

The Narcissist considers him/herself above the norms of goodness and elude or defer that any of their action’s borderline being outright evil toward others. That is the double-edged sword that they attack the world with. The truth is that their lives are all about double standards or what serves them. A Narcissist will stand tall and preach about morality as if all cheaters should burn twice in hell, but as he/she is giving their lecture from the pulpit they are also surveying the room to find a little extra supply to have on the side. But the Narcissist is not a cheater in their mind – they are DESERVING because they are special and above reprise for their actions in life.

The real definition of a Narcissist is that of a creature that is so preoccupied and focused on their every desire, pleasure and need that it completely blinds the Narcissist from reality and self-blame. The Narcissist re-writes reality to fit his/her delusions and with every taker AND it is like the Narcissist winning the lottery when they find a new target to extort and harm. They relish the chase and kill!

We must completely educate ourselves about this disorder for sure. We must purge all our emotions that we felt were real out of us and straight into the garbage can. We must get angry, grieve, yell, scream and maybe even eat a gallon of ice cream. Basically, there is a process to recovery that shouldn’t be slighted by my dry sense of humor because the damage/destruction is very real and devastating. BUT we must also realize at some point it is time to move forward without putting any relevance into the life we once had with this monster. We MUST start out on this journey with no contact/minimal contact and adhere to it completely, and that is the reality of what worked for me because it removed me from the chaos and allowed me to breathe again and get healthy. Minimal contact in the case of children, divorce, etc., but we must make our mind adhere to the reality of the situation that there WAS NO REALITY with them at all! Greg

Posted on April 13, 2024, in Narcissism and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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