Something we often wonder about and question is WHY people find our stories about our abuser so incredulous?

Something we often wonder about and question is WHY people find our stories about our abuser so incredulous? We must look back and remember that we also believed these abusers in the beginning because they are so adept at their con jobs because appearances are imperative to their functionality and survival. They are whatever they NEED to be to any given person, so a Narcissist is MANY different personalities – so people ONLY see what they have experienced.

From my Book: Greg Zaffuto – Author – From Charm to Harm and Everything Else in Between with a Narcissist

They charm people to death (figuratively) and this is what literally attracts us to them. But with a Narcissist it is a magnetism that makes you feel a sort of hypnotizing attraction that manifests itself in your psyche and your soul! In reality you are being charmed by their power of REFLECTING back everything that is YOU creating this intoxicating and deep-rooted bond. This intense connection is created when a person gives you the feeling like you’ve known them a long time, soul mates, or you feel very safe with them – perhaps you have known them in a prior life or whatever fantasy belief that Narcissist has instilled in your mind.

A Narcissist creatively figures out some unique and impressive angle quickly, and one that few people would ever engage in. Basically, they are manipulating your emotions. Narcissists can typically outsmart almost everybody because they abuse something so very familiar to normal people – and that is empathy, care, and even love – who could refuse any of that. They are always ten steps ahead of you, so much so that it is uncanny. They are very QUICK with these unique approaches and “BAM” they have swept you off of your feet and keep you there. What else is there to do but bask in the glow of this unique relationship! You are undeniably intrigued by everything about them. When your relationship sours because the ugly truth rears itself with a Narcissist, you better duck for cover and be ready for a whole lot of damage control.

A skillful Narcissist can tell anybody and everybody a great story just like reciting a well-known fairy tale because they are some of the greatest storytellers. They can weave fictional tales and lies into a complex story about themselves. They mesmerize you with amazing facts, statistics, trivia, history of events, to the point that you feel overwhelmed and just amazed at their acuity and accuracy. They are always the center of these stories, often re-writing their personal history, and lying to embellish the stories. One thing you can say is that they are hardly boring with their accounts of their amazing world and life – BUT they are seriously using all of that like a venomous snake camouflaging itself to trap its prey before it strikes. Yes Narcissists do strike – or better yet abuse. Greg

Posted on June 12, 2024, in Narcissism and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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