Exploitation – is what is at the core, body, and substance of the Narcissist’s agenda! Narcissists exploit EVERY single interaction with all of us to gratify THEIR needy ego at your ego’s expense or even DESTRUCTION.

Exploitation – is what is at the core, body, and substance of the Narcissist’s agenda! Narcissists exploit EVERY single interaction with all of us to gratify THEIR needy ego at your ego’s expense or even DESTRUCTION. They will also exploit anything else they can from us as well – this is the agenda of a taker – complete objectification at any cost. Remember that they manipulate us with CHARM to get what they want – that is a conscious and deliberate thought process meaning they KNOW what they are doing but don’t care.

From my Book – Greg Zaffuto – Author – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist!

Some more knowledge and education on what THEY are and what THEY do: A Narcissist doesn’t acknowledge individuality or even like other people (remember we are just objects to use.) Along with this premise the Narcissist doesn’t care about being liked – THEY DEMAND to be admired, feared, and favored, (as well as completely extorting their targets to get supply.) They don’t care about getting along with people, and a Narcissist is no more capable of considering the consequences of their actions than a rock would. There is no consideration for anybody or anything with a Narcissist and nothing is ever about whatever it REALLY is, instead it is always all about their omnipotence, superiority or ego instead or their fake façade. With them it is about getting the desired reaction and using whatever they can to get there.

They HAVE to exploit EVERY single interaction with us to gratify THEIR needy ego at your ego’s expense or even DESTRUCTION. There’s no end to it. It’s exasperating and you never get through that brick wall a Narcissist throws up in front of you constantly, so always remember how much time you have tried to break down barriers to “fix” things. Everything would just bounce back to you as more blame and shame from the Narcissist. It was a relationship that was meant to deny you every bit of gratification or any “giving” from the Narcissist and instead “taking” every bit of gratification (supply) they could for their vast needy void.

Narcissists are self-serving chameleons that “shape shift” into whatever they need or want to be to serve a specific agenda they have. They do not have genuinely ordered or consistent thoughts, concerns, or ANY moral codes as it concerns life and especially people. Morality is relative to their desires at any given moment and they act on all of them. In plain English they are emotional extortionists and use people by manipulating them to get what they can. They have an uncanny ability to seduce to the point of ‘brainwashing’ others. They are also hypocrites in that they pass judgment on others as well as call them out for negative behaviors, when in fact the Narcissist is overtly guilty of these SAME BEHAVIORS and WORSE! All part of the HUGE mask the Narcissist wears to hide the monster behind it.

The Narcissist maligns and back stabs people continually throughout their disordered life – and gas-lights people the are in personal relationships with. To them it is control and power over others. They will consistently demonstrate their power with back handed and insulting behavior toward others. They will utilize behaviors like talking people down, or making them the brunt of a rude and demeaning joke, making fun of them, totally ignoring or silencing them, being late for important events, simply not attending or walking out of events, avoiding being a team player at all costs, refusing to consult or ask for help and just acting out ON THEIR OWN SELF ACCLAIMED AUTHORITY. There are absolutely NO RULES that they follow, so there is never accountability either – that gets displaced onto us through blame and shame because the Narcissist is the eternal victim of life.

The Narcissist constantly violates boundaries albeit physical, emotional, and mental. They follow no rules in life, or respect human dignity/rights, or adhere to any written laws. They will make decisions that are not theirs to make and they will assume that they have the right to use, borrow, or take/steal anything that belongs to others. Ownership is their birthright or so they feel because they are above the normal order of life. They will violate your standing with figures of authority in an effort to cause trouble/destruction or just to “one up” you. They are truly extortionists and they take everything and anything they can get their hands on. BUT remember this chameleon camouflages itself with CHARM – so they get away with virtual murder because they have been doing this all of their lives and they are just that good at it. The people that know the truth about them are mostly their targets/victims – the rest become their minions at some useful level that they charm into believing just how special they are AND they protect the Narcissist’s lies and disordered life – they are the enablers of their abuse.

Narcissists have absolutely no capacity for context. Either you see things their way or you must be crushed into the ground. You can’t respectfully agree to disagree with them. Any criticism, difference of opinion is a challenge to their “authority” and is seen as a threat and will be treated as such and you will be devalued, demeaned, debased and dehumanized – it is just that serious to them. BUT serious to them is not in any normal context – it is complete denial and avoidance all bundled up in all of these tactics to be in control and exert power over us. Remember we are only an object to serve them so we must revere them as well OR ELSE! Well the ‘or else’ for you and I is to DISCARD THEM completely and go NO/minimal contact to restore our life and move forward to a healthy life again. Greg

Posted on June 21, 2024, in Narcissism and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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