How they Cycle us right into this Abuse.

From my Book – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist! @


Narcissists use an arsenal of tools to debase, dehumanize, malign, and eventually destroy a person’s self-esteem, and overall spirit – this is psychological abuse pure and simple and they are ABUSERS. BUT beyond this truth is the reality that there are many targets/victims that have to deal with the destruction caused by a malignant Narcissist without having realized what is OR has happened to them. These targets/victims are not just wives, husbands, partners, but also biological children, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, co-workers and any other human being in every walk of life!


A Narcissist will employ cleverly hidden emotional blackmail, mental abuse and shrewd manipulative linguistic or language patterns to CONTROL people around them and force them to question their own sanity. Narcissists will also smear their target/victim’s good nature/name behind their back destroying their integrity to others (friends, family, co-workers) so they will also start questioning the sanity of the target/victim. It is like a game of “power and control” through the use of these various methods so that the Narcissist is always in charge of their environment and controlling every aspect of it with lies, false appearances, coning people, etc. Narcissists have everybody around them fooled by their charm that hides their true pathological self and they are DANGEROUS to people!


When communicating, discussing, debating, or arguing with a Narcissist, a target/victim usually finds themselves at a COMPLETE dead-end. The target/victim’s logic always becomes incompatible with that of the Narcissist and they always get outwitted and then steered in the opposite direction from the original topic, especially if it is around questioning them (the Narcissist) or accountability as it concerns the Narcissist. Basically, communicating with them is like walking through a “House of Mirrors” at a carnival. Every thought you express is distorted in so many different ways that you don’t even recognize the original thought and it causes complete confusion– just like the many mirrors that are created to distort your image and make you lose track of your original starting point and destination.


If you say the sky is blue the Narcissist will somehow negate the possibility of it being blue to make you wrong. The Narcissist may even hint that you have certain psychological issues concerning your thoughts about the sky being blue. The Narcissist will even back it up with concerns that your friends, family, or associates have over your “wild allegations” of the sky being BLUE. Then the Narcissist will accuse you of having an affair and using your story of the “blue sky” as a diversion tactic to trick THEM. Finally, that Narcissist will employ punishment and the silent treatment because of your argumentative views, lies and betrayal concerning your “blue sky” story. The Narcissist then runs out to find a little extra supply on the side to betray you since they now have some “free time” after the chaotic and wild “blue sky” story. After a day or so they come back and tell you that IN FACT the sky is blue as if the issue over the blue sky never even came up at all, and you may even get flowers, or dinner, BUT you end up paying for it as usual! OH – and they will tell you that they were taking care of a sick relative and that is why you didn’t hear from them for that day or so that they disappeared. Do we call this denial on the Narcissist’s part that they are just this delusional or are they just denying us access to them using all of these “crazy and chaotic” diversions that deflect us away from the truth about them so they can get away with everything and anything? I believe it is all deflection and diversions!


The Narcissist will throw a pathological spin onto communication to divert reality and cause chaos so it fulfills whatever the Narcissist’s agenda is at the moment. This agenda is many things, but basically it is to secure supply, from us or from whoever else is willing to give them supply. It took me a while to understand just how this worked, as well as how my Narcissist would divert from every aspect of their life/lifestyle AND everything was always a mystery as far as the past and present. Let me put it this way, everything was MEANT to be kept this way so I would never learn the truth about this Narcissist’s abusive past, out-of-control lifestyle, as well as a very perverted lifestyle. Any time I would speak to this Narcissist’s mother I would find out about something that this Narcissist had lied about AND I DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO ASK because the truth just always seemed to come out on its own. So you can imagine just how much this Narcissist was lying, re-writing history and every other little diabolical action. I was always kept at a distance from the Narcissist’s family, but of course told that I never made an attempt to get to know them. So in a nutshell this is how they use diversion to keep us separated from the truth and the many lies they are hiding.


Their agenda ALWAYS includes manipulating/punishing the target/victim into believing that anything bad or wrong they have been questioning concerning the Narcissist was all their imagination and basically we are confused, have issues, jealous or paranoid and this is why they have to get away from us. We stress them out AND they are concerned how WE are showing signs or issues around our INABILITY to see reality as it concerns them being saintly, moral, good, or basically perfect. Remember it is the Narcissist re-writing history and lying behind that mask. Beyond the pathological and cowardly aspect of that betrayal process the Narcissist wants to get the most out of their manipulation skills by trying to make us believe we DO HAVE ISSUES around our own mental stability too – it’s all for the “cause” that protects their disordered and perverted lifestyle they live and we SUPPORT just by believing in them.


How does a simple question concerning accountability turn into a target/victim being told they are mentally ill, obsessed, confused, lying, jealous, etc.? Because we uncovered the truth about something or other and that exposes the Narcissist as the disordered and pathological creature they are and they HAVE to protect just how disordered their life is. It seriously wounds them when they are exposed even in the SLIGHTEST manner and they will RAGE or lash out to defend themselves as well as continually manipulate us AWAY from the truth about them. It would cause them great damage both personally as well as describe them as the deviant of society they are. Again, do they know this? They must because they go through great pain (usually our pain) to cover up the truth and turn the blame back onto us as if we are the abusers to keep up that façade – BUT they have done incredulous things to betray and harm people!


Beneath that thin mask, the Narcissist wears is the reality of their pathological self PLUS their WHOLE past of victims/targets they have abused and a raging temper that is like a volcano that can erupt at any given moment. YES, they are aware of their actions because they use lie after lie to cover up their abuse. Like a child that stole a piece of candy and lies about it to avoid being punished – so does the Narcissist at a monumental level. Remember their past is always following them and should they ever stop for a moment it will catch up with them and completely consume them because they are abusers that have damaged many people’s lives – even their own family. When the going gets tough the Narcissist gets going so they are off and running to new supply ALWAYS surrounding themselves with a protective circle of new targets/victims, NEW LIES, as well as a new and WONDEROUS life to shore up their disordered life AGAIN. This equation ALWAYS includes the demise/destruction of the previous source of supply and the “believers” that support the delusional Narcissist! Thus, the cycle of abuse that defines them as emotionally and psychologically abusive vagabonds always looking for the next target/victim.


A Narcissist will also create vivid situations where they start a conversation off with an agenda in mind – one to create a smokescreen or diversion of some sort. They confuse the target/victim with chaos to perhaps divert a situation into an argument to be able to sneak out and secure some supply they acquired on the side, or just to debase a target/victim and keep them walking on eggshells or to cause constant anxiety to keep them CONDITIONED and a slave to their pathology. This is like being a POW or prisoner of war to the Narcissist – torture and all! This is what they do because what lives inside of them is such a disordered personality that if we were to even have a small glimpse of what they really are I believe we would be shocked even more by the reality of ALL OF THE TRUTH. I learned this about my Narcissist through talking to their friends and family and I never imagined that there was even more than what I experienced but there was/is, and the truth was beyond the capacity for me to understand. We see the tip of the iceberg and what is hidden beneath the water is monumental in size and so destructive to many people, especially IF THE TRUTH WOULD GET OUT!


One more thing to the “NAY SAYERS” that always ask why you couldn’t see this happening. I always go to this explanation about how a normal person tries to rationalize the crazy making or pathological nature of a Narcissist in a NORMAL way. On a paranormal show I watch they often explain HOW we rationalize a ghost we may see in a window. That window is reflecting some sort of image – be it the clouds passing by, a tree moving in the wind, or sunshine dappling through the trees. Our mind takes us to a place where we try to make sense of the reflected image in that window and like playing a game of connecting the dots our mind conjures up an image that makes sense – or simply when we look up at the clouds and see an image like a bunny, dog, etc. The point is we are human beings that rationalize situations. With this in mind it is the same concept when we try to form some sort of logic along the lines of what the Narcissist communicates to us. Basically, they employ lies and manipulation into every aspect of communication as it concerns us – so we draw upon that same imaging to TRY to rationalize or make sense WHERE THERE IS NO SENSE! We get caught up in this conundrum too often and end up enabling the Narcissist by giving them the benefit of the doubt because of our empathy and unconditional love – NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH they are. Our intuition should always be our guide with them, if it quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.


This is all done in a manner to control the target/victim and keep them in a constant state of complete REALITY QUESTIONING, “is it me or is it them”. The target/victim is always questioning reality where there is NO reality as it concerns a Narcissist. It is all part of the Narcissist’s agenda and a well thought out plan for them to keep their target/victim controlled by confusing, diverting/deranging reality, dehumanizing and basically psychologically manipulating the target/victim to keep them in a constant state of despair. Again, the most important aspect in all of this is the manner in which the Narcissist controls a target/victim starting this whole process with positive manipulation or “love bombing” to first gain our trust to destroy it and us later – after they have extorted everything they could from us.


Lies and deception are a coward’s tool in re-writing reality, but the Narcissist also does this with an agenda in mind and that is to secure a steady base of SUPPLY! They feed off of our lives, pretend to be something to us when they are NOTHING, steal from us, backstab us to create chaos ALL AROUND our lives, live a perverse lifestyle while they are pretending to be someone special in our lives, then blame and shame us into believing that we are the PROBLEM and even take it to the point of convincing us we are mentally ill or insane on top of it all, and finally they smear our good name and integrity! There is no love or a relationship in any of this! No/minimal contact to gain clarity and your freedom from this chaos and this abuse! Greg

Posted on April 15, 2017, in Narcissism. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I am with a Narcissist and I am the person who is suffering in this so-called relationship and losing my own life in the process. My problem is I do no want to leave where we live; I want him to go. We are both on the lease, but . . . like I said, I’m the one losing my life in the process of possessing this domicile.
    He’d gone on a four-month campaign to force me out, including calling the police on Christmas Day to try to set up a ruse for my arrest. The police, thank goodness, saw this type of “act” before and basically told me to not worry, there was nothing he could do, that they saw through him. THIS amazed me as usually he can fool people.
    As he cycles through, he tries now and again more actively to remove me; otherwise, he seems to be waiting me out, trying to bleed me through a thousand cuts (put-downs, commands, control).
    Will he ever leave on his own? Is there anything I can do to make a Narcissist leave?


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