Let’s call it what it really is SLANDER – the Narcissist’s attack on our integrity with backstabbing and the SMEAR campaign. We are damned if we do or damned if we don’t respond but basically the Narcissist gets away with abusive behavior and people believe them and WE are left having to fight to get our integrity back?  

From my Book – From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist! @ https://www.amazon.com

Many, if not all Narcissists completely get away with their psychological terrorism and they basically murder their targets self-esteem, mind, soul AND their integrity with their backstabbing and ‘smear campaign!’ Be it the bullying, slander, or abuse or things that should be prosecutable offenses and they do this all of their lives. So just how do they get away with it all without any consequences AND why do people believe them? WELL, first off because the Narcissist KNOWS that they are creating outrageous and dehumanizing acts against people and humanity – they also think up ways to avoid the consequences, especially because of what they fear the most – EXPOSURE of who they are and what they do! Funny how this works – they do not care in the least bit as far as how they damage people, but they make sure that NOBODY is ever wise to their actions – BUT that describes a personality disordered person – toxic, chaotic, unstable and abusive!


A couple simple approaches to understanding this craziness and chaos. A Narcissist uses targeted confusion, lies and manipulation with backstabbing and that smear campaign OR divide and conquer – this also helps divert the attention away from the Narcissist who is the culprit. SO THE BIG PLAN – that shrewd Narcissist destroys the victim’s credibility well in advance, so they are ten steps ahead of the game by destroying the victim’s integrity well before they abandon them – it makes ‘getting away’ easier for the Narcissist. They are by far NOT geniuses, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if you want to get away with something like abusing someone, you first launch an effective and destructive pre-emptive attack on their character, so that nobody will believe the target/victim when the truth finally starts emerging that they (target/victim) was abused. Here is the formula for the Narcissist to be successful at this – abuse and then accuse your target/victim of the very atrocity they (the Narcissist) has committed and BOOM you are on top of your game to escape the exposure. They have been backstabbing/smearing us behind our backs from the very first day that we met them – but we were very distracted by the CHARM and ‘love bombing’ and growing trust with this creature OR just us being a normal and empathic human being that opened up our hearts and giving our TRUST to them implicitly. Meanwhile that dark Narcissistic creature was using that information against you by ‘being in the know’ about personal situations when they needed it and building up their minions, flying monkeys or Narcissistic support soldiers.


The basic facts of life as it concerns those people that love to put themselves in the middle to judge others, or the Narcissist’s best friends and supporters or MINIONS – they are toxic and basically abusers too. BUT the bigger lesson of “damned if we do or damned if we don’t” is the culprit here too! Everybody knows that when somebody defends themselves from accusations with accusations, the majority will always believe the one who accused first. The views of the person DEFENDING themselves (the victim) are then looked at as questionable or the scorned one and retaliating as if the target/victim were caught in OR did the outrageous things that the Narcissist has alleged. This is irrational, because the initial accuser (the Narcissist) is the attacker and there is no more reason to believe one party over the other but people do! Lastly if we don’t make an attempt to stand up or defend our integrity we are guilty by the design of the disordered Narcissist’s smear campaign. No win situation for the target or victim, especially when they are already vulnerable from the ABUSE and basically a shell of a person.


So, people DO believe the Narcissist first. The more preposterous the Narcissist’s accusations, the more firmly people believe them because they got there first spreading their poisonous lies! It is like when a child comes forward with accusations of abuse, people are going to (or basically have to) believe the child to get to the truth about the allegations. Any and all preposterous accusations will always yield very strong attention to the subject matter because you just can’t walk away from such a dangerous and damaging situation without offering support because it would seem if the person listening didn’t care or lacked the empathy to help the lying Narcissist out. Just the shrewd monster acting out their destructive agenda.


The disordered Narcissist commits moral mayhem by destroying the victim’s reputation, credibility, and integrity so that nobody will believe the target/victim when they start to tell the truth. Truthfully this description of mayhem that the Narcissist uses to destroy the target/victim’s integrity is purely projection, so the Narcissist gets a bonus by dumping their demons onto us as well AND we take the blame and shame that they deserve in reality! Thus with the Narcissist this preemptive back-stabbing and smear campaign allows the Narcissist to reduce the target/victim to such a vulnerable and helpless state that it compounds the abuse at the highest level by accusing the target/victim of being the abuser as well. Remember that the Narcissist used the ‘familiarity’ of knowing us personally to ‘be in the know’ about many of our situations and that familiarity will yield semi-valid but distorted ‘personal’ information and connections to events and other people. In other words, their smear campaign will be laced with small bits and pieces of a distorted truth that listeners can relate to. So there you have it – the Narcissist carries out their abuse to fruition with their ‘smear campaign’ after they have discarded their victim and that gives them the protection to run off unscathed. If I had to use a word to describe what they do it would be purely ‘slander’ born out of destructive lies to harm another person. We have to remember that what they have said is ALL lies as well as consider that any so called ‘friends’ that know us AND would believe those lies without asking us is not worth our consideration yet alone our friendship. No/minimal contact to get away from this madness once and for all! Greg


Posted on January 25, 2017, in Narcissism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This is so true. It is unfortunate that it took me years of absolute confusion before I came to understand what was happening to my life. My relationships with my family, his family, and our friends were damaged and I didn’t understand why all these people whom I had loved, grown up with, and shared great relationships with were turning on me and treating me so badly. My daughter also had started to change her attitude toward me and that is when I woke up and started to see. It took me years to uncover his crafty work. He’s only be gone a few months and whoaaaa!!! People start to tell me the things he said about me explicitly and implicitly. My relationships thankfully with my family, friends and daughter are back on track. It is a wonder that a person can be like this his whole life. I believed for years that something was wrong with me. It was not until I started therapy during the relationship that I saw myself differently and began to heal. I hope I will be able to put this all behind me one day. Co – parenting with him means I will still have to deal with his presence in my life to an extent, but as far as I can, I’ve gone NC. He still finds new and creative ways to blindside and gaslight and instill fear and confusion. But at least now I know what he is doing. Knowledge can be a saving grace – it is with Narcs. Thank you so much for your blog. I would appreciate a blog on how to manage these defective types when you are no longer in a relationship with them but have to co-parent.


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