Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous?

As you’ll read below, every survivor describes narcissists in DANGEROUS terms. Each person that’s been victimized personally by a narcissist will warn you and serve as a cautionary tale that if you welcome a narcissist into your life, you’re dancing with the devil; welcoming them in to do one thing and one thing only to you: use, abuse and destroy you.

Many onlookers or those who haven’t experienced the narcissist in an unmasked state have a hard time believing that the people we describe and the horrendous acts of abuse committed on us were done by the very people they have a different opinion of. They don’t understand the disordered’s modus operandi. They don’t understand that their belief that the narcissist is a “likeable or admirable” character is evidence that the danger has already started, they’re manipulated by the narcissist’s “mask” and they’re in complete denial of reality.

There are two main traits of a narcissist that most all other symptomology stems from:  Delusional reality and lack of empathy.


The first reason a narcissist is dangerous to others is because they are in complete denial of reality.

Here are a few of the delusions that are always present in a narcissist’s psyche:

Delusion of Grandeur – This denial of reality comes in the form of the narcissist having the belief about themselves that they just deserve more. They’re larger than life, a celebrity in their own minds, entitled to take from people without having to give anything back. Statements that reflect delusions of grandeur go something like this “Don’t you know who I am?” “I had to wait in line for an hour!” “I wont be spending MY money here again, if this is the service I get”.

According to the DSM-IV TR  grandiose-type symptoms include grossly exaggerated beliefs of ones own:

  • self-worth
  • power
  • knowledge
  • identity
  • exceptional relationship to a divinity or famous person.

Perfect Image – Anyone who thinks that perfection is obtainable and struggles to feel ‘worthy’ without achieving perfection is not in touch with reality. Reality dictates that we are fallable. We make mistakes, we fail, we fumble, we screw up; this is a fact of life, nature, the universe. For the narcissist, they possess the delusion that if they or the people around them achieve an image of being “perfect” that they will finally feel “ok”. They’re striving for something outside of themselves to feel good inside; this will NEVER happen.

Entitlement – Others exist to serve them – Narcissists hold the delusional thought that other human beings are objects that only exist to serve their needs. They view others in an inhumane way which allows them to act out on us with no empathy because they don’t believe we have rights of our own that the narcissist needs to pay any attention to. This complete and utter disregard for the rights of others, stems from their delusional thoughts that only ONE person benefits (wins) and that is the narcissist themselves. Narcissists view that everyone “owes” them is not in any way, shape, and/or form “realistic”.

Boundaries don’t exist –    Not being aware of the boundaries that exist between two people is a denial of reality. The reality is that two people have separate identities, with separate thoughts, feelings, motivations, dreams, ideas, goals and rights. When a narcissist treats others as if they have the right to order, control, push and dictate another’s behavior (even if it’s manipulatively disguised as “helpful advice”), they are more driven by their desire for power than they are the right of the person they’re controlling to think, feel or act for themselves and are blinded from reality by that desire for power.

Non-Identity = Non-Accountability – Because a narcissist has a flexible, chameleon like identity, they have no solid foundation of self other than being that of a manipulative, changing being. They have no sense of self from which certain expectations and rules of conduct will flow. Their modus operandi is “whatever works”.  Since they hold no code of ethics, their behaviors are categorized to them as either effective or non effective. Effective behaviors will be repeated regardless of the “consequences” to others. Since a narcissist has no boundaries, they don’t see the impact to others, because they don’t see them as “others”.

A narcissist’s construct literally goes like this:

Narcissist pounds your thumb with a hammer.

You scream in pain and yell, “what did you do that for!!??”

A narcissist will be able to say, “Do What??!!” Believing they did NOTHING, because they didn’t feel any pain whatsoever in their thumb.

If you insist on getting the narcissist to see the error of this whacky exchange, you will be told, “Well, you shouldn’t have had your hand on the table.”

The subject will be dropped and you will spend your time feeling bewildered and perplexed by the insanity of all, until it happens again, then you’ll focus on that atrocity and won’t be able to see that this has been the pattern all along.

Narcissists are in charge of reality – Power mongers. Control freaks who can’t recognize boundaries are the only people who can possibly believe that what they think is the reality for EVERYONE. It becomes very apparent that a narcissist believes themselves to be all knowing when they’re insistent that they know what you think, what you are really saying, who you really are or what your motivation really is.  Their entitlement and lack of boundaries allows them to play God; they’re the writers of the script, the great puppeteers, the all knowing Wizard of Oz.

Worn down targets find it easier to just roll over and fold. We realize the narcissist’s ability to argue and fight surpasses our own, we aren’t interested in winning just being heard, but there comes a point where it’s just too exhausting to take the narcissist to task on these frequent power plays.

Most realistic people have an awareness of when they’re acting in a manipulative or coercive manner and feel a sense of responsibility to back off, not cross that line or not offer unsolicited advice or opinions. We respect the boundaries of others, because we are aware they exist. Narcissists have NO CONCEPT of these lines and what constitutes obtrusive behavior.

Rapists, child molesters, robbers and murderers have the same inhumane view of people, viewing them as objects to exploit at will and have no concept that it is wrong to violate or cross the demarcation lines of another’s property, being or identity.

We as an enlightened society, KNOW that these types of people are dangerous and frankly would be quite relieved committing these people to institutions so that they can’t harm society in these atrocious ways again.  If you can understand this danger, then you can understand why former victims of narcissists view them with the same passionate concern for safety of themselves and others.


Its my personal opinion that empathy is the one quality that makes all of us true human beings. The ability to have a compassion for our fellow man that causes us to behave in ways that do no harm to them is a powerfully connecting emotion. Empathy is having the ability to step into another’s experience, set yourself aside & allows you to honor anothers’ feelings and needs in a way that enriches and edifies them. We need each other to respond in empathetic ways to our pain, journey, and joys through life; it connects us.

One of the key presenting traits of narcissists is their utter incapability to empathize. When you see a pattern of human cruelty that the narcissist commits on their loved ones or affiliates, you will see the lack of empathy present in various ways:

Ignoring requests to cease behavior (like cheating , stealing, lying, etc.)
Name calling, criticizing, belittling, mean “jokes”, jabs and put downs (verbal abuse)
Serial cheating

Arguments surrounding the same issues over and over

Turning around the partners concerns to blame them and block the conversation

A frustrated partner who doesn’t feel “heard”, listened to, understood

No closure – no apologies, no accountability, no consequences, no change
A partner who suffers the consequences of the narcissist’s repetitive pattern of poor / destructive choices

The bottom line to all these behaviors?


This bears repeating.


Narcissists are capable of inflicting physical and psychological harm on others and are unmoved by the plight of those they hurt.

If you are trying to analyze a narcissist’s behavior and hear yourself saying, “But they SHOULD…” STOP RIGHT THERE. Whether or not a narcissist “should” care, is irrelevant because it was built into them a very very long time ago, that they CAN’T CARE. They don’t have the built in capacity to care: they lack EMPATHY.

When we’re discussing the insidious subtext to a narcissist’s dangerous behavior, let’s remember that on the SURFACE, the narcissist is still pretending, charming, conning, manipulating, giving you some bones, – whatever behaviors work to get you to continue to stick around even though the narcissist doesn’t care and KNOWS THEY DON’T truly “care” will be the tools they use again and again to keep you around.


This is what narcissistic survivors go through. At every moment, there are two relationships occurring that is just out of the conscious awareness of targets:   The “pretend” relationship where the narcissist uses words not actions to convince you that what you have is a loving relationship, you’re on the same page, your future is looking bright….IF you could stop being imperfect, and doing the things the narcissist is actually doing to prevent the relationship from working. (Translation: if you can just be the constant receptacle of the negative traits the narcissist discharges on you and never ask for anything for yourself and don’t question the twisted reality you live in, then things will work out and you’ll get a version of what you want: “their love” – however conditional it is; and it is) This smoke and mirrors relationship is the one where the “talk” is that the narcissist cares about you. It’s the reality we try to live in, because the other is just too painful to bear.

The other relationship is the REAL ONE: the constant barrage of twisted head games, the layers and levels of abuse, the syphoning off of your soul and life force, the betrayals going on behind your back, the manipulation, the control, the shaming and blame, the threats, the word salads, the lies.  This is the relationship that is evident in BEHAVIOR that the narcissist truly does not care.  While we’re in it, we keep this reality at arm’s length.

The general populous will feel fear when a serial killer’s m.o. is displayed on nightly television. They’ll see the lack of empathy quite clearly and realize that there is something seriously wrong with those people and be aghast over how heartless someone can behave towards another human being.

Targets live this reality up close and personal every single day. We see the danger firsthand, we live it.

We don’t suddenly wake up one day and say, “You know, Im going to be a zealot about narcissism. I want to pick on these lovely people because I’m mad at them.

If someone is selling themselves this delusional bit of goods, they are surely held captive by the narcissists delusions. We are zealous about getting the word out there about this disorder and this abuse because we’ve all been burnt by the danger of a narcissist’s disorder.

Not just “touched” with a match slightly burnt but our houses, our lives, our souls, our identities, our relationships, our values, our trust, our world views have been torched to the ground in an aggressive act of intentional arson.

Although we are the star and credible witness to this crime and have the information that will put this criminal away for years so that someone else doesn’t suffer the same atrocity, no one believes it or cares enough that they step in to listen or help us.

Since we cannot hold a narcissist accountable, we can make good use of our effort to enlighten and educate others who are vulnerable to this abuse and be the support to other targets whose abuse has been ignored and invalidated by others who have a problem recognizing their danger.lets erase narcissism

It’s been said that more is learned about the narcissist through what their former targets have to say about them than anything they could say about themselves, so here is what former targets have to say:

Christine: unrealistic sense of entitlement very high ego superficial and vein no conscience no empathy no sense of boundaries no guilt no remorse : terrible evil sick twisted fucked up monsters, rude and very arrogant not human.starts smears campaigns and spreads lies and half truths behind their victims back and all those who stand in the way of their evil plans. the narc/sociopath prince/princess.

Suzanna: Their ability to appear to others as the epitome of charm, love, and compassion, and only their victims see the real side to them.

Hula: The Devil.

Lynne: They will do whatever it takes to get what they want. If they don’t achieve it, they will destroy everything in their path, even children and family. They reinvent history to suit their needs and destroy decent people.

Kaye:  Cunning, insidious, remorseless, selfish, abusive, liar, phoney, taker, manipulator, entitled, deranged, attention seeking,

Doug: Insecure and filled with pain.

Ellen: Unconcerned about his trail of emotional wreckage,totally self-absorbed with his own gratification, clueless and dismissive as to the after-effects on those he discards

How Lynne:  Empty – they are empty bags of misery to themselves and those around them. You can spend a life trying to fill them and enough love and patience simply does not exist. They drag those around them into their own private abyss and swear that darkness isn’t dark.

Marinky:  Toxic, everything he/she touches is destroyed, lack of remorse, lack of responsibility, double even triple personalities, pathological liar, manipulative and controlling, lack of boundaries and empathy, too much self-absorbed and self-entitlement, backstabber, gossiper.

Holly: They believe their own lies. That makes them very believable to others.

Jean: I trusted. I believed the charm. I was raised to be a perfect victim. My soul was murdered. Manipulation, lies, greed etc all takes a toll.

Heidi:   They are dangerous because of the MASK they wear – their charm hides it so well leaving you stunned and immobile once he removes it and you see the true person…you can’t tell a narc from a decent human while wearing it….very dangerous:(

Marilyn: Predatorial. Interpersonally exploitive. They aren’t the scary boogie man in the bush. They are in your BED!! They bait the trap with LOVE. They use “happily ever after” to draw you into striking distance.
They have NO compunction….there is NOTHING they won’t say….NOTHING they won’t do to GET what they crave. They will fake cancer, euthanize pets. put arsenic in your morning coffee and kiss you and tell you they love you as they watch you drink it.

You’d expect such treachery from an enemy….not a lover. The cognitive dissonance of the cocktail of love and loathing makes you bleed out your ears from trying to figure out what’s happening to you.

I used to know a little developmentally disabled girl. She used look at you with beautiful pleading blue eyes….reach her arms out to you for a hug….her face would get sweet like puss n boots in a scene from SHREK. It was almost impossible to say no. …how could you say no?
Many hugged her unawares…..only to find themselves suddenly locked in the grip of her atsoundingly powerful arms with her sharp teeth buried deep in the flesh of their shoulder.
That’s what a narc does…draws you in as you expect something wonderful and loving only to be blindsided by a bewildering attack.  ROMANTIC AMBUSH!!

Gosselin: Selfish, egotistical, evil, cruel, lying, abusive, tyrant!
Misa:  insane

Dorie: Sneaky and calculating

Aire: That they can seem very emotional but they can only feel empathy with themselves. Or someone distant they are talking about. Sometimes they can seem to show support but only cause they Will need that person later on or wants to build up a good reputation as the “sweetest person in the world”.. When it really matters they can be cruel, so cruel you wouldn’t believe it when it happens.

Judith: predatory, vicous, narcissistic, bloodless … Boneless, void of any soul – the Antichrist of all Demons

Lori:  pure evil
Megs:  Compulsive liar and a thief
Kim: Relentless.
Cinnamon:  STAY~CLEAR!!! “IT” only gets “WORSE”!!!……………..4 “YOU”!!!~~~
Diana:  Demon possessed scumbags.
Cathy:  Self-absorbed
Lola:  Mental abusers

Shawna: ALIEN!

Chris:   Zero Insight Zero Empathy, not a good combo

Rowena:  Con artists x
Susan:  Raging monster!
Carl:  Credible, plausable, manipulative and to top it all off superficially friendly, calm and decent. That makes them always look like the innocent party and their victim as whatever they want to paint them out to be… until the mask comes off and then wait for the “I’m so sorry we doubted you, we never guessed s/he could be like that” from those that initially thought you were just slagging him/her off or exagerrating. The true enablers will simply refuse to see the truth in front of them though no matter what, because they WANT to believe in the narcissist.
Debbi:  evil
Jacky: Diabolical predators!

Stephanie:  Pathological liars, victims themselves, hollow eyed monsters, arrogant, bore easily, always doing something radical (buying selling crap, change of jobs), always find negative in everybody, backstabbers, suck in bed, feel they earned the sense of entitlement to treat partners, kids, friends etc. poorly, only think of themselves, will never admit their wrong, try to isolate you, turn you away from your friends/family, controlling, weak, and again pathological liars. It’s kind of fun going to Facebook pages because they’re easy to identify – pictures of themselves always posing, doing something exciting, rarely comment on other’s post unless it’s sarcastic or over the top intellectual and basically attention grabbing. They are hyenas because they are the most toxic animal on the face of the planet. Toxic because they are fakes, people don’t see their true colors until they are eaten alive.

Susan:  Pathological Planners with Destructive Intent
Chelsea:  If you ever engage in an argument with them make sure it’s in a safe place to do so. Like around others who will rally with you and not against you.

Posted on November 30, 2014, in Narcissism. Bookmark the permalink. 234 Comments.

  1. When you know she’s a narcissist,
    run, run, run and don’t look back. Pure awful evil blood sucking bitch will consume your heart and soul. Mighty God flee or she will drag to hell. Pure evil.


  2. My female narcissist was the most charming manipulative selfish woman I ever met. She was never wrong. If I took her to dinner and used valet parking I was washing money but if I self parked I was cheap. She was never happy. Never.
    I could never pick her up at her home.
    She wouldn’t tell me here she worked but she’d give my best friend her business card and tell him to call her if he was thinking of buying real estate in the area. When she found out that he gave me her business card she was furious. She said, “That card was meant for him.” Yes I finally discarded her but she kept coming back like the energizer bunny. She. couldn’t understand why I would leave someone who was so charming and perfect.
    I bought her many nice gifts. One day she gave me a gift. At home opened it. It was a box of candy in a simple used bag one would get at Walmart with a used ribbon. The expensive candy was candy I bought her months ago and the expiration date was the day I received it from her. She emailed me telling me I should eat it soon since it was due to expire. She was a piece of work. Now she’s someone else’s problem. I’m so done with her. She was pure evil. She sucked the life out of me. Glad she’s gone.


  3. Truely dangerous people. It will leave the average person dumbfounded. I was ” loved ” and talked bad about at the same time. They are always a victim. Saying sorry, if ever, is always followed with the word but…. They will lie cheat and steal regardless of age sex or social standing. Hardest part is you love them but its only a character they portray. Once you accept that you can heal.


  4. Master manipulators, emotionally and verbally abusive. I am just getting out of a 3 year relationship with a narc. Everything “good” they do if for personal gain.


  5. Incredible…after finding out I was cheated on…the same time the
    Abuse started… I did my best to support her . The stress of raising two teenage boys in the onset of menopause I thought was the reason . How wrong I was . Educating myself on NPD, has let me start my new life!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Most evil, nasty, manipulative people that ever lived. He posed as a sperm donor, put on a fake personality to hook me in by grooming and manipulating me – why? Because he was after my child. My most valuable asset. He was jealous that i accomplished something he would never had been able himself. I did all the hard graft, he even told me i would be in charge of all decision making for the kid. Turns out it was all a LIE. He manipulated his way onto the birth cert., got his legal rights then all the mental abuse, control and gaslighting started. He now maliciously challenges and blocks all my decisions for the child. He sabotaged my dream, he stole everything i worked for, just to secure a child for his narcisstic supply for life. Cunning, evil, sick, demonic… i have no words left. 😦


  7. I am caught up in a world with this narcissist he claims he was stolen or sometimes adopted he says hes a victim of human trafficking even telling the police these things he claims he has billions of dollars that he owns google, pay pal, att, and many many more companies. He spends everyday all day day an night online trying to get money. I know its all not real but i think he has gone over the edge what can be done to help? Please help me im outta time and outta hope an answers


  8. They are all talk actions do not match words they leave you feeling sick empty confused you cannot please them nothing I mean nothing you do is good enough they are entiltled in every aspect of life they think for you they are controlling and if you don’t feed their narrcissim supply they do not care how long you have been married they just blow you off as if you were never husband and wife they don’t care if they hurt you they will never say their sorry because they don’t acknowledge ever doing anything wrong I am trying to get out of a 14 year marriage to a complete stranger since I stopped feeding his ego and started standing up for my feelings he has totally wrote me off as if he never knew me I am blown away


  9. I was in a relationship as such. He drained me out of all my life force and my energy. He sapped my finances dry. He neglected my personal needs my emotional needs. He claimed he was the victim of everything he never does anything wrong. A real mr. Nice guy. Lied compulsively so much that he believed it. Cheated. Mentally and verbally abused me. Never contributed to anything in the household or to the relationship the relationship was one-sided. I had orders of protection on him broke down my door to get in. The courts never kept him because they said he was so calm and I was the crazy one. I was a happy-go-lucky person before I met him. This relationship lasted five years and it changed me to a deep dark person. I hope I never meet anybody like him again I’m in therapy trying to get over the hurt.


  10. Satan’s spawn.


  11. It about time, I didn’t know there was a term for it… Thank you.


  12. My husband and I have been married 2 yrs. He is argumentative, can never be wrong, controlling (has cameras T/O my house), does not value my opinion, critical, sarcastic, unloving, blows up with anger out of nowhere, lies, lacks compassion and empathy. Is he narsissitic? I’m scared!


  13. All of this rings true for me. 14 yrs in a marriage. Symptoms slowly began straight away but I was blind-sided. I stayed for my child etc (the usual). Ink not even dry on wedding cert and he insisted to put his name on my property deeds. Young child, working full time, grieving my Father and part time study then migration to Australia from where he is from and he receiving an inheritence he upped the gear tenfold. I find myself in and out of courts, police, he has slagged me off behind my back, taken everything because he is so convincing and so callous and cold. No discussion as he has taken everything from me – home, possesssions, child, dog left me isolated and alone living in domestic violence refuges. He has bought himself a nice house with my money as not only did he get half the property sale he has stolen my tax and pension. When I tried to talk to him initially he just laughed and said ‘tough’. As a result of leaving me broke and all my funds either frozen or depleted he has my Son and Court says well you don’t have a home do you? I have been fighting Courts etc for 5 years. I feel like I can never escape him. He will allow me to travel another state to see my Son as long as I live within 15KM’s of where he is living? I just want to get away from him and the system sucks! Watch out people. He is a charmer and he has got everything from me so he will be looking for another ‘mug’ to fulfil his needs that will be richer and younger no doubt. I just feel for my Son. It never ends when children are involved.


  14. Patricia. if it wouldn’t have been for educating myself on Pinterest every day for months, on narcissists, I would have been killed by this guy one way or another. And I would never have gotten away from him. Months and months of illness, hospital stays, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, cognitive dissonance, extreme nausea daily, migraines, etc, all AFTER effects of a breakup of 2 years hell with a monster who’s charm fooled me, who’s love bombing won me, than the poisonings began, the sex and anything I wanted or needed was withheld bit by bit, a cunning takedown a the beautiful me I was., “but he bought our dream home on the beach and we were getting ready to move there! Than he busted up my car….and me…….well he did say ” I am God!…no, I’m bigger than God”!!!! Yeah, I made that break away. And I’m healing more each day. And NOone will ever get away with any of the SNAKElike things I allowed for longer than I should have. Hopeless hope. If l’ld have moved with him, I’ll surely be dead now. Thank you God in heaven and Holy Spirit who has my back! There is no comfort or closure. And no room for self pity, which leads to deep depression. He ruined parts of me, but new doors open and like a rose bush, another branch will bloom.


  15. We have one of those idiots living hear in the park i live in.Fortunatly i was turned off by this fool when i first met him.All he could do was brag brag brag on himself anything i might have he bragged that he had the same thing only that all of his stuff was bigger better faster more expencive ect.So sick to hear the same unreal crap every time i seen him.I confronted him about it one day.his personality suddenly changed he tryed to act like it didnt bother him at all he stopped the bragging became mello, i think he realized that i was on to him but he showed no signs stayed calm and cool until he left.a few days later he spread vicious rumers about me.someone told where they were comig from and he knows that i know.He is a real Narcissist sociopath.you people are so right he must be possessed that kind of sick evil is not human.


  16. This is such a good read and so very true its a hard read to as it is everything the narsissist is.if ever their was doubt about mine their isnt anymore every bit rings true its frightening how their minds work manipulation snidy underneath evil soul destroying pieces of scum.Scum of the earth they need to burn in hell….


  17. they will destroy you, if they cannot get wod they want, and if you’ve moved on, and you have something they want them will do everything to destroy you


  18. If your in a relationship with one of these monsters get out now. you can never fix them. They will 100% destroy your life.


    • yes thank you for the information that i just read. i been with a monster for over 3 years.
      on 12/22/2017 he is now gone. however , i am still hurting physically and emotionally from what this man has done to me. he is now in jail i hope he stay there for a long time.


  19. I have had the misfortune of being trapped in the whirlpool, being pulled down so low I felt my life was over. And I have seen and felt the rage. A rage of anger so powerful and so evil there are no words to describe the fear.



  20. Vile walking cesspools of filth. The most denegrating, berating, evil monsters to exhist.
    My body started to react every time he was near me. I realized then, that I was reacting to evil in it’s pure form. Complete toxicity. My life was a torturous mess. Thank God I was able to escape from a nightmare of the worst kind. Abusive in every sense of the word.


  21. They paralyse the target, the passive aggressive behaviour builds up to a psychotic break the RAGE they are capable of killing.
    The high functioning covert types wear a very ordinary mask, calm & well measured, it’s deliberate personalized cold rage, victims will suffer a body shock,most will consider suicide. Narcissists can then play the bereaved spouse, they have no morals or decency enjoying a death they designed.
    Hiding in plain sight they go undetected, the anxious partner is the crazy one leaning on the narcissist is how they play it publically.


  22. As a victim, one may feel sadness or pity for the narcissist. It does take time and courage to step back from the relationship to clearly see the “game” being playing. To stop being victimized, one needs to completely sever all communications and contact with the sociopath and resist all thoughts about the person. The longer the relationship, the more difficult to disassociate from the mental abuse and trickery.


  23. It is clear those dog owners who let their dogs yap and make noise to torment other persons and destroy tranquility are incorrigible narcissist. Dogs are narcissistic to the core, and so are many dog owners.


  24. Jesus has nothing to do this. Prayer can’t help, if any, it would be for you- not them! They can not be helped. They are not “helpless” in terms of rational thought. Instead they are impervious to rational thought. Like playing a game of delusional chess without sane comprehension of game or fact from fantasy and past moves are lost in the space of history. However to ‘win’ the narcissist….collect, know inside and out their tactics/strategies/statements/order of comprehension/particular words/actions/etc-and use it back on them (but never ever let them know you figured them out, so stay sharp. Very sharp!) Do not let your guard down. Be the one man Army, your life depends on it.

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  25. My sons babys momma come into my house throwed me to the floor and broke my hip. While I was screaming from the pain, she was trying to kick me in the head. When I tried to get a restraining order, she made up a total lie about what happened. She was flirting with the judge and he bought it hook line and sinker. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and watching go down. Needless to say I was out of order and the law was called in to escort me out. Didn’t get the restraining order. I live in fear she will come and hurt me again maybe even kill me. When she can’t reach my son she calls and leaves threats and leaves threathing text. I don’t answer when I know it’s her. Of course everything is my fault. My poor grandchild is so exposed to her craziness it brakes my heart. We hardly get to see the child, she loves her daddy so much. I am still recovering from my hip. Im 63 and this has taken my freedom from me. Judges need to be educated on these kind of evil people. I’ve know a lot of crazy people in my life but this person is pure evil. God help the poor children of these evil monsters. God bless you all.

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  26. omg this is so deep everything that everybody is saying im going through now i am speechless ive been telling myslef that i live with devil seriously smh wow if u pray keep me in mind i want out! ive wasted so much time on somebody who never cared about me


  27. Julie-Ann Middup

    My best friend died June 1st 2017.Her friends and family only then became aware that her now widower is a narcissist.While she lived he pushed her family away.My friend was always stroking his head asking him if’her darling’was o.k not once did I or her family see this returned.When he said awful things about her family she said nothing.I was led to believe her family were awful.They are not.I think when alone her wore her down she had breast cancer then motor neurone disease from which she died.He would talk and talk at you until you were ‘punchdrunk’ I remember her apologising on his behalf when he hit my cat!!! No empathy at all.He did not allow her Mother to see her and reluctantly allowed her Sister to visit the hospice.My friend knew she was near dying and begged him to stay with her he replied he had already been there for 8 hours,she died alone.He turned her funeral into a farce not allowing one member of her family to attend the’ticket’only ceremony.He then started an avalanche of vitriolic emails to me&my friends when we said we could not attend as we did not wish to’make a quick getaway’to avoid any family who did turn up going on to refreshments.He went mad and 20peole only attended the funeral of my lovely friend who was much loved by many. I mistakenly told my friend a few secrets which she must have passed on to him as they were mentioned by him in emails to all my friends also my personal financial details some of which concerned my brother who’s name he got wrong!!I do not have a brother named Ian! He claimed I hurled abuse at a funeral I did not attend!! Each time he saw me he would mention how my Husband did not take me on a special holiday as he knew it upset me,turning the screw!! I shall tell him one day my Husband&I did make it to Italy we just could not stand going with him.He thinks he is wonderful an’international’banker and advocate in reality he is short,boring,mean,eats like pig and has dreadful dress sense his clothes are laughable.My friend was always beautifully dressed we could not understand why she did not pass her chic to him but of course a narcissist does not take advice or criticism.
    One can only imagine the life my friend had,he brainwashed her she always said’she was blessed meeting him’ His words I think!I honestly believe he made her I’ll.Is this typical behaviour?
    Many thanks for reading


  28. One minute he is telling you everything you want to hear the next he is calling you every rotten thing that HE is!! Don’t ever try to confront him on any wrong he has done to you unless you are ready to hear horrible things said about you over and over and over until your eyes bleed. Never try to reason with them at this point the evil is out of its cage and will only go back in when it is ready. Thos could be hours or days. All I know is lies, cheating, verbal, and physical abuse!!! Yes did I THINK there were amazing times? Yes but those were what he wanted me to feel so it kept me around. He was busy talking with other women the entire time because they NEED attention, like A LOT of attention! If someone warns you do NOT be blinded by these people listen to them warning you and RUN!!!!! A narcissist will take you for everything thing they can mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially!!! RUUUUUNNNN!!!!


  29. Please know as a victim of a literal DEMON/JEZEBEL spirit of a narcissist you can recover through prayer to our Holy God through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will comfort you against Satan himself. These are not humans, they are shells for the demonic. I pray for ALL victims of the horror of this literal EVIL that a hedge of protection of the Holy Spirit surround you. I thank Jesus Christ for pulling me out of that darkness and for my ongoing healing. God Bless you all. Kelly –


  30. This Fk evil pig monster rape my daughter did evil stuff to my son denies we are his family.Solicites prostitution in my apt.While I’am at work I fucking hate him To the core he cast spells on me so I would do things that he could later punish me for it.He caused it to happen but later just rubbed it in my face to everyone that it was my faultHe is evil he goes on all the dating websites looking for someone to date including this Russian dating sites and I already mention to them he is a dangerous Narcissist but they continue to write back they don’t know what he is like he where’s a mask.Made sure he gives me no money this way I spend my own money for everything and fuk great so I would be so broke and left with nothing.I pray everyday !!!Don’t they have Karma .So many things he has done it took 53 years for me to find out.I blame my self for being this aweful person.Fuk no more.Iam planning to leave My husband is a Evil Evil abusive terroist from hell the devil from hell and behind close door the grossest living nite mare


  31. How absurdly true! I identify with the truthfulness of all the descriptive words. Well done.. Once you’ve experienced one, you identify. These people leave a mark that takes a lot to recover from…….read through all these descriptions again but know these will be amplified 3fold when it is YOU in their talons. Be forewarned! Seriously.

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  32. A wolf in sheeps clothing. A user, a fake, a master of deceit and manipulation. A self-esteem destroyer. A liar, a cheater, and a thief. Run!

    Liked by 2 people

  33. All of the above and ours heartbreak
    Make you believe it was all you even when you were strong before them.
    Somehow part of you stays in love
    You are destroyed!!

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  34. These people are tourchered by evil everyday, day after day. I know that we have all been horribly devastated but please know that Jesus has overcome evil and vengeance is His. He loves you dearly and will never leave you. I continue to pray for us all. Few people will know what absolute evil looks like that have not looked into the raging eyes of a narcissist.

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  35. I will never understand and I have to stop trying. No pity. No shame. No sympathy. No truth. No spine. No real decency or kindness except in show when trying to impress the unknowing. No guilt. No bravery. No real feelings. No good intentions without personal gain. No SOUL. No heart. No concern. No thought. No pity. Not even for his son although he’d make you think he was the best dad in the world and if you met him out in public you’d think he was great but watch the fuck out because that charming blue eyed goofball might be a soul sucking demon. There out there. Please, be careful who you trust.

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  36. Well although many Narcissists fell next to no empathy and feel that they deserve special treatment to the point that the manipulate people, what you are describing here sounds more like Anti-social personality disorder (or psychopathy if you wish). Much more manipulative and violent and more likely to abuse than a narcissist (who may manipulate but will not likely abuse someone as described here. None the less, all people in life should be given a shot at being someone’s friend if they so wish.

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  37. This is one of the best articles describing this I’ve ever read. I’m living it!! I’m in hell because of what this man narc monster did and the psychological abuse is exhausting. financially ruined me. Has his believers rallying behind him because they haven’t seen the mask fall off. This man is delusional abusive insane and more. Never could fully describe to anyone who could understand what it feels like to be a victim of these type of people.

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    • I can Amy. We have parted but after 5 years he is still working his stuff. Everyone who do not know me even whom I have not even met I have heard third hand he is calling me crazy and unstable. He is tried to get me sectioned and emptied the bank accounts out, taken child and dog and only if I am good will I get to see my child who by the way got taken to another state and more laws to comply with etc etc. Once I was an independent financially secure woman now living in a refuge half way house with no friends as they are 14,000 KM’s away. He even took my precise things before I met him and photos and everything and just either laughs when I have challenged him or cuts me off and ignores my requests for their return saying ‘I have given them to charity and please do not discuss this matter with me again’. I saw the evil in his eyes. It was really scarey. Once he had everything from me that was it. In effect, I don’t exist and he is doing his hardest to ensure that I don’t see My Son. This is 5 years after leaving. He had methodically planned it all. I still cannot believe it and when I discuss it with people they think I am mad as he is so ‘wonderful’. It makes me physically sick!! xx You are not alone.

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  38. Heather Feighner

    Narc will start off as your dream mate then hold on. They will take and destroy everything around you and make you believe your crazy. Your family/ friends will be gone, your money will be gone, self esteem gone, physically abused/ mentally abused. They will back stab, demand praise and have you believe things that are not reality. You will become a shell of yourself before you know it. This person you love is a evil human. Get away and as far as you can get and never look back.

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  39. Sounds just like the ex. Been with him for 2 years, the most coning, sweetest person I could have known. Would have given him the world because he was him. Well glad I have a sense of vision….no empathy, cold, empty, lying, slick, cheater, mean, nasty and remorseless. His mask fell off and the picture was horrible. Thus man had been cheating for 8 months of those two years and going to be with this woman in my car. When confronted, it was all lies from his perspective. He forwarded down and ran as they do. He doesn’t like conflict but he creates the drama, their cowards and cry babies….at least he is.

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